After the Battle Book #164, titled 'The Sarajevo Assassination & More,' delves into the historical events surrounding the pivotal moment in the early 20th century. This meticulously researched publication explores not only the infamous assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo but also unfolds additional captivating narratives from the era. Each page is a gateway to the past, offering vivid insights and in-depth analyses of the key players, geopolitical landscapes, and the aftermath of this significant chapter in history. A must-read for history enthusiasts and scholars alike, this edition of After the Battle Book provides a comprehensive exploration of the Sarajevo Assassination and various related stories.
Product Specifications
- Comprehensive Historical Analysis: Delve into a detailed examination of the Sarajevo Assassination and its broader historical context.
- Engaging Narratives: Discover captivating stories beyond the main event, shedding light on lesser-known aspects of the time period.
- Rare Photographs: Enhance your understanding with a collection of rare and compelling photographs from the early 20th century.
- Primary Source Documents: Gain access to primary source materials, including letters, documents, and accounts that bring the past to life.
- Expert Commentary: Benefit from expert insights and commentary that provide context and perspective on the complex historical events covered in the book.
Length : 16 cm |
Width : 1,3 cm |
Height : 24 cm |